Friday, June 22, 2007


This is my 100th post! Huzzah! [animated gif of spinning guitar removed for your sanity]

One imagines this would be a good time to reflect back on previous posts, and perhaps look to the future of blog.

Here's one characteristic of Lady with a hat:

What's My Blog Rated? From Mingle2 - Online Dating
(click the pic to rate your blog!)

This rating was apparently determined by a single occurance of the word hell, but I know I also used the word shitty in at least one recent entry:

I feel like a shitty parent, having him lose teeth to gingivitis

Another thing about this blog that might interest you is that the content ranges from random comments about me, to rants about religion and modern life, to links you might enjoy. It seems I also talk about TV a lot.

Anyway - I considered devising a vast array of Rockettes and Riverdancers to celebrate this 100th entry, but realized that digitizing them would take too long with my existing hardware. Plus, then they'd be running around my computer, all Tron-esque, and who knows what havoc they might wreak. Also, I'd be finding glitter in my keyboard for the next 12 years.

So what of the future? Likely more of the same, no?

In conclusion, the end.

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