Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Of dogs and dentists

I just dropped Mercury off at the vet to have his teeth cleaned. At his annual exam a couple of weeks ago, the vet checked his gums and his teeth, and they're not in great shape. Of course, we skipped dental work on him last year, because things looked "ok" - also, it's ridiculously expensive (in the $300 area!?), regardless of the health benefits (which are significant). We've tried brushing the dog's teeth once or twice in the past, but it's always been a ridiculous hassle. He used to chew a lot more rawhide, which is apparently great for the teeth (maybe I should try it?), and for the past year or so, he hasn't been chewing as much. I guess we'll just need to be more diligent in keeping his teeth clean at home.


Máire said...

Once upon a time Jules let me stand by as she cleaned Mr. B's teeth. Since he was already anesthetized for another procedure it was an ideal time. First observation: limp cats are scary. Second observation: No matter if you know rationally that the heart monitor is screeching because the contact has shifted, not because the pulse is gone, a coronary is still initiated in the human. Third observation: Next time, I want to be sedated too.

Rachel said...

They have a vaccine that helps prevent plague buildup in dogs. Ask your vet about it.

Brain said...

I'll find out about that. I'm assuming you meant plaque? ;-) Although preventing plague buildup would also be a good thing. =)