Friday, March 02, 2007

Winter Wonderland

As in, I wonder when all this snow is going to stop. Not that I'm complaining about the snow per se, since we're still a ways behind the historical average snowfall. And besides, what's the point of complaining about the weather? There's no will behind it - it just happens. And we can't do anything about it (in the short term, at least - and our long-term effects, whatever their degree, have been consequences of other activities rather than the goal themselves, and wildly unpredictable).

[Sidebar on climate change: (a) It's happening. (b) Human activities are likely the primary cause of it. (c) No god is going to swoop down out of the sky and save us at the last minute, nor is this an indicator that jeebus is about to make an appearance. (d) Now what?]

Look! Kitties!

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