Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm baaaack

Last Friday I drove up to Langdon to visit my family. During my visit, I contracted a cold. Ugh. The drive back on Tuesday wasn't very much fun, and I've spent the last couple of days feeling like ass. But I'm on the tail end of the infection - I'm at the excessive sneezing portion of our show, and have been sleeping too much.

This morning, Ben left for Indiana. One of his cousins is graduating from high school, and Ben hasn't seen most of them for a year, so he and his mother will be spending a little over a week with his family. Ben is also going to be seeing our friend Fran in Cincinnati for a day or so as well.

In the mean time, I'm waiting for the rain to stop so that I plant the new perennials we've got waiting on the patio.

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