Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I think I'll call it ... Delores

http://tropist.com/media/800-hotdoll (not necessarily NSFW, but a bit risqué)

Yes, the "hotdoll" part makes it seem like this link will take you to a sex-toy. It's so much better than that.

The only way they could make it better would be if it vibrated. And additional colors might be a nice touch.

Now I just need to find my nearest retailer.

Check out the lower left part of this picture (again,
not necessarily NSFW, but a bit risqué). Realize that this thing needs to be cleaned. "Regularly."


Máire said...

Why why WHY do I click on your links?...

Brain said...

You didn't check that other one, did you?

Máire said...

I checked NO other ones after that one. It was all I needed by way of reminder re: mindful consumption of your product.

Also, I am at the office. Much potential for awkwardness. And, possibly, disciplinary action. You know.