Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Summer Vacation, Part 4

Aaaah, summer. That magical time of year when temperatures rise to WTF and humidity makes the outdoors all but unbearable.

Here I am basking in the cool of Central Air, trying to get focused on school work. The dog occasionally pesters me, and the cats love the laptop, and I need to start writing a paper. Meanwhile, laundry tumbles in the washer and dryer, and I consider the pros and cons of going to the grocery store (pro: get more food; con: have to leave house).

[redacted] the most recent episode of [redacted], but haven't watched it yet - it's the middle of a [redacted], and I am trying to hold off watching until we have both parts. Can I make it? Place your bets!

A disrupted sleep pattern adds to the complexity of my life. Wow, it's tough being an unemployed American.

Last weekend, Ben & I went up to the Twin Cities. I did a little homework, and we went to see Daywatch (based (mostly) on the book Nightwatch, and sequel to the film of that name), then we had dinner with friends Melissa & Shane & Jessica & her husband Gabe, then a couple of drinks. Mmmm... drinks.


Máire said...

Oho, redacted, eh? Too late, I already read it! And guess what I did on my birthday? Yeah, that's right, I sat around and watched some redacted too!

We're not gonna get in trouble, are we?...

Julie Rogue said...

I already read it too...

I Know What You Did This Summer.

Brain said...

Both of you! SHHHH!! Let's not tell anyone. Also, let's hope there's not an archive of old versions of these pages, okay?

Máire said...

GAH! I forgot about caches and archives!

Uh, I meant I [redacted] the [redacted]! By which I was actually saying that I [redacted][redacted]. In no way and at no time did [redacted][redacted] any [redacted], [redacted]ly or otherwise. The [redacted] of [redacted] was not [redacted], and neither was [redacted][redacted]. The [redacted] was merely redacted in order that [redacted] not be [redacted] to be [redacted]. Because that would be wrong.

Stay in school, kids. Don't do drugs.