Sunday, April 08, 2007

M. L. A.

Ok, so I realized that the acronym* for Modern Language Association (MLA) is the same as that for my current course of study (Master of Landscape Architecture). So I wondered to myself, "What other things might these friendly letters denote?"

Some selections from
Medical Library Association
MAC (Media Access Controller) Layer Address (shouldn't this be MACLA?)
Mac Liberation Army ("Free the iBook 5!")
Maine Lobstermen's Association (I'm getting a visual here - something from a 1950s sci-fi movie)
Malta, Malta - Luqa (Airport Code)
Maryland Library Association
Massachusetts Library Association
Massachusetts Lobstermen's Association (I wonder if they fight with the guys in Maine. And why doesn't Maryland have Lobstermen's Association?)
Master Lease Agreement
Meat and Livestock Australia
Medium Lift Alternative
Mercury Laser Altimeter
Michigan Library Association (Can Yoopers read? These would be the folks to ask. ;-))
Microlight Aircraft
Microprocessor Language Assembler
Microwave Link Analyzer
Mid-America Lumbermen's Association (Why not MALA?)
Militaire Luchtvaart Autoriteit
Military Legislative Assistant AND Military Liaison Assistant
Minimum Look Angle (I didn't see Maximum Look Angle up there... hmmm)
Minnesota Lake Association
Minnesota Library Association (but not Minnesota Lobstermen's Association)
Missouri Library Association (Okay, now I think they're just making stuff up - although there wasn't a Mississippi Library Association - I mean, if you're going for absurd, why stop halfway?)
Multi-Letter Acronym (careful.... recursion can make your head a splode)
Music Library Association
Muzzle Loading Association, Inc.

*If I wanted to be a dick, I could distinguish between "acronym" and "initialism." But as noted in a previous post, I am not much prone to prescriptivism these days.

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