Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lady with a hat! Use lady with a hat!!!!11

So I was thinking, I have all these opinions. People need to know about the 'CAN EAT MORE,' for example. I like telling people what I think, what they should think, and why I don't care what they think.

This blog is my forum for said activities. But before we get to that, a lot of you had questions for me, and I thought I'd answer those right away.

Q: Why do you call yourself "lady with a hat"?
A: Good question, considering I'm neither a lady, nor a hat.

Q: How often will you post updates?
A: Infrequently, I expect. What with school and all, I am even now cutting into time I could be reading or whatnot.

Q: What sort of content can we expect?
A: Rants, raves, my (invariably correct) opinions. If you don't like what you see, go read something else.

Q: Am I likely to be offended by this blog?
A: Very probably. Given how easy it is to offend people these days, and how enjoyable it iscanbe to do so, I expect to offend everybody, eventually.

Okay - now that that's out of the way...

Let the carnage begin!

[crickets chirping]

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