Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Poll no. 27: Results

Q: You gonna eat that stapler?
......Yes: 4/7 (57%) (You selfish bastards.)
......No: 2/7 (28%) (Why not? Has it gone bad?)
......Wanna split it?: 1/7 (14%) (Learn to share!)

New question imminent...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ernest Levi Timpleton, 74, is the United States most renown Interdisciplinary Magnetic Resonance Applications engineer, Mr. Timpleton had high hopes of retirement in the up coming year, when asked what he would like to do in his twilight years? Timpleton replied "I hate interdisciplinary magnetic resonance applications! Nobody cares, I have wasted 50 years of my life, most engineers handle their own applications now! I hate these stupid magnets do you know how many times people have asked me if I have a magnetic personality. I am a Interdisciplinary Applications in Magnetic Resonance engineer how interesting do you think I could be? HUH!" Unfortunately, this interview with Mr. Timpleton took place after he had read the article published in The Minnesota Daily, announcing they would be closing the IAMR department due to the buildings proximity to the upcoming construction for the 35W bridge, which collapsed earlier this summer, which lead him to believe his replacement would not be graduating this year and his retirement plans placed on hold.